My back aches. My lungs lag behind on their breathing schedule. I hold dearly to the 19 hours I have left until I once again jump, run, tip-toe, kneel, stand, dance, squat, lunge, and otherwise corral 20 pre-K kiddos at VBS. I typically love 3-5 year-olds. They say funny things. They hug. But in abnormally large quantities, they also destroy my muscles with pain and wreck my hair with sweat. On days like yesterday, today, and the two days coming, verses like Isaiah 52:7 make me feel better (at least emotionally). Every time I play follow the leader -- emphasizing, of course, that Jesus is our
real leader -- and each time I sing "Jesus Loves Me" while holding my baby doll that is usually named Lucy, I am spreading the Gospel to these little munchkins. By the end of this week, I should have my most beautiful feet yet.
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