Monday, June 15, 2015

Marginalia Monday -- My Bible Art Journaling Adventure!

Several months ago, while browsing Pinterest like all industrious wives should do, I stumbled upon a Bible study method that both surprised and intrigued me.  I followed the pins to a blog by Shanna Noel, who has founded the “Illustrated Faith” movement.  This method of Bible Study promotes writing in the margins of one’s Bible, throwing caution to the wind and expressing God’s Word artistically on the pages of His love letter to us.  He writes to us through the Bible, and we write to Him through the margins.  I love it!  I have since decided to devote my quiet time to this kind of creative communication with God, and I would love to share some of my pages in the hopes that others will try it as well.  The visual, hands-on aspects of Bible Art Journaling make Bible verses stick in my head like never before, and I can’t wait to make my way through the whole Bible in this way.  I will start sharing my pages in detail next week, but until then, here’s a sneak peek!

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