Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday -- Here Goes Somethin'!

After successfully avoiding the Freshman Fifteen, the Sophomore Seventeen, the Junior Jellybelly, and the Senior Sag, I got married and gained thirty-five pounds almost immediately.  I am officially “overweight” on most charts I look at (although I did find one chart that said I am on the heavy side of healthy, which is quite a complement these days, and I’ll take it!).  I have decided I much preferred the energy I had pre-pudge, and I quite enjoyed picking out outfits before the belly.  I miss climbing stairs without a care in the world, and I have determined to return to my happy weight.  A buddy (also recently married) and I have agreed to go at this weight-slashing together, so here’s the plan:

1200 Calories / Day (Raw Fruits and Veggies are Free)
5 30-min. Workouts / Week (Workouts Meaning Not Sitting on the Couch)

We’re hoping to jazz it up along the way, so be prepared for cheesy motivational tricks and wacky workout ideas.  Here’s a before photo to get it started:

Let's hope for some dramatic results!

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