Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday -- It's All in the Toes

It takes two to tango -- one stubbornly slow set of bathroom scales and one girl who will stand, shift, tip-toe, and turn to adjust that scales' numbers to an acceptable loss.  My morning dance routine with my scales has become more intense with every passing week.  In the past, I thought I could coax the numbers down by standing on my heels and shoving my toes toward the tub and the bathroom door, but now I realize the folly of my ways.  By placing my weight on my toes, holding my arms above my head, and slowly pulsing my heels against the scales, I can successfully shave a pound from my weight -- and I may even burn a few real calories in the process.  Thanks to this week's dance, I have now lost a total of 8 pounds.  That's the weight of an entire human being!  Here's a peek at my current chart:

So far, so good.  Now excuse me while I contemplate eating a 100-calorie ice cream cup paired with nutritious berries.  

Monday, July 13, 2015

Marginalia Monday -- This Week Is My Pedicure

My back aches.  My lungs lag behind on their breathing schedule.  I hold dearly to the 19 hours I have left until I once again jump, run, tip-toe, kneel, stand, dance, squat, lunge, and otherwise corral 20 pre-K kiddos at VBS.  I typically love 3-5 year-olds.  They say funny things.  They hug.  But in abnormally large quantities, they also destroy my muscles with pain and wreck my hair with sweat.  On days like yesterday, today, and the two days coming, verses like Isaiah 52:7 make me feel better (at least emotionally).  Every time I play follow the leader -- emphasizing, of course, that Jesus is our real leader -- and each time I sing "Jesus Loves Me" while holding my baby doll that is usually named Lucy, I am spreading the Gospel to these little munchkins.  By the end of this week, I should have my most beautiful feet yet.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Through the Lens Thursday -- DIY Ribbon Camera Strap

Happy Thursday!  I have been having tons of fun with my camera this summer, and I have successfully avoided my auto setting so far!  Since I'm spending so much time with this thing slung around my neck, I figured it was high time to dress it up.  Today I decided to try a DIY camera strap alternative to personalize my camera, and I think I like how it turned out.
Here's how I did it:

1.  Choose a spool of ribbon.  I chose a spool of Offray decorating ribbon with wire edges.  I love how the ribbon looks next to my black camera body, but when I raise my camera to take a picture, the stiff wire sides rise up like wings, and I look as though I would fly away into the sunset.  If I were to do this again, I would probably choose a soft organza ribbon with satin edges or an entirely satin ribbon that would lie flat. 

2.  Cut the ribbon to an appropriate size.  I cut my ribbon to exactly 110", and this length works great for my 5'7" height.  The camera doesn't hang so low that it sucker-punches me in the stomach with each step I take, and the strap isn't so small that it gets stuck around my forehead when I try to put it on.

3.  Thread the ribbon through the camera.  My camera has two little metal hooks for a camera strap, and this is where I threaded the ribbon.  I folded the ribbon in half lengthwise twice so it could fit through the small opening.  I pulled the ribbon through so that the ribbon between the two hooks was long enough to go around my neck, and the extra ribbon on either side of the hooks was longer than the distance from the camera to the back of my neck. 

4.  Tie a bow.  I took the extra ribbon and tied it in a bow so that the ribbon is double-enforced around my neck.  Ta da!  I'm not entirely certain how long I will keep the ribbon strap (as I prefer to photograph from the ground), but it's a cute accessory for the time-being. What are some fun ways you accessorize your camera?

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday -- On the Charts

Twenty-one has always been my favorite number.  I was born on the twenty-first of the month.  I started teaching when I was twenty-one years old.  Twenty-one rhymes with fun, and twenty-one days into my diet, I am finally starting to see some pounds shred into oblivion!  Inspired by my mom and other admired long-term dieters, I decided to chart out my progress on some good, old-fashioned graph paper.  Right now my weight is still in the red zone (STOP eating ice cream), but soon I will be in the yellow zone (eat ice cream very SLOWly), and eventually I will get to the prized green zone (GO eat ice cream [within incredible and disciplined reason])!  I just have to stay on that pencil line to get into my favorite dress in time for my book release party.

What tools do you use to track your progress?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Marginalia Monday -- Bold as a Lion

My pencil flew out of my hand as the teacher continued to lecture at the front of the room.  I watched the pencil swoop to the floor and roll over the carpet toward another student's desk.  My worst nightmare.  I couldn't stop taking notes.  I would fail the next quiz.  I couldn't ask the person next to me to hand the pencil to me.  I would have to talk to someone I hardly knew.  Oh, the agony!  After a few minutes, I finally asked the kid next to me to hand me my pencil, and after a few years, I finally learned some social skills.  Still, boldness has never come naturally to me.  Perhaps this timidity is what drew me to Proverbs 28:1:  "The wicked flee when nobody pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion."  Drawing a lion free-hand was a bold move in itself, but I'd like to make a few more bold goals for the upcoming school year.

1.  Begin a Bible Art Journaling group of some sort.
2.  Get at least 3 spiritual articles published in various magazines.
3.  Lose 35 pounds (31 now -- woot woot).
4.  Make a new friend.
5.  Find a photography client.

What bold dreams does God have for you?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Through the Lens Thursday -- Photo Scavenger Hunt Underway!

Apparently I will have to complete a photo scavenger hunt every summer from now until forever because I love it!  I have visited this summer's destinations countless times, but this year I have experienced their beauty like never before because I have been actively searching for elements that otherwise may go unnoticed.

Here is my first scavenger hunt item -- a bridge:

If you're planning on trying this scavenger hunt yourself, I suggest devoting an afternoon to an active, mapped-out search for the items on the list.  My hubby and I asked family and friends for suggestions of culturally rich areas that would display "that which is the essence of the state," and I think the results turned out spectacularly.  I would love to hear your ideas for more items to add to the list next year.  Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday -- Of Tortoise-paced Scales and Half Burritos

I like slow summers.  I like slow mornings.  I like slow-cooked pot roast and slow-moving molasses.  I do not like slow scales.  I like fast scales.  I have not cheated once -- not once -- on my diet, and I have exercised in the pool, lifted weights, danced with dumbells, and ridden my bike in the cool of the evening.  If I stand gingerly on the scales, shifting my weight to my heels and pushing my toes toward the sides of the contraption, I lost one whopping pound this week.  Even so, I feel triumphant.  I walked into a Qdoba Mexican Grill and walked out having eaten only one half of a burrito.  Even typing this now, it seems impossible, but it's true.  I cut my burrito in half before I even started eating.   I knew if I started munching on one end of that burrito, I would make my way through the whole thing before I knew what happened, so I separated my lovely 440 calories ahead of time and packed the rest for leftovers. I chewed each bite of that half-burrito until it could be chewed no longer.  I savored each grain of rice and every tiny chunk of pico.  I left the restaurant victorious.  Now if only someone would let the scales know . . .

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Monday, June 29, 2015

Marginalia Monday -- Born of the Spirit

When I was seven or eight, my dad used to pay my sister and me to pick dandelions in the yard.  We got one penny for yellow dandelions and a whopping TWO cents for white, fluffy ones.  My dad paid us more for the white flowers (he called them weeds) because they were bursting with seeds ready to fly away with the slightest breeze.  My dad wanted us to pick the white, fluffy dandelions so these seeds could not spread to the rest of his yard and grow more dandelions wherever they landed.  He knew that the wind could carry that dandelion's life and create new life all around it.  

In John chapter 3, Jesus explained how the Holy Spirit works.  He said, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."  My dad couldn't see the wind, but he could see the dandelion seeds spreading and sprouting throughout his lawn.  We can't see the Holy Spirit, but we can see His work in our lives as He sends us out to spread the good news of everlasting life with God.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Through the Lens Thursday -- Waterproofing Photography at Its Finest

I love Maine.  I love the bright blue skies and fluffy, cottony clouds.  I love the rustic pines and see-to-the-bottom lakes.  I love everything about this state, and I'm so thankful to have visited this summer.  I knew that I had to capture the peaceful, pine-smelling, blueberry-blue tranquility of the lake, but I was a tad nervous about taking my camera on a canoe ride because cameras don't grow on trees, and if this one ended up swimming with the loons, I might have a tricky time convincing my hubby to buy another.  Also, I have a vivid image of my aunt flailing in the water next to a canoe with a camera over her head.  Here she is after the fall.

Thankfully, my aunt's flailing limbs were not in vain.  My hubby and I came up with a super simple system (alliteration!) to keep the camera safe on the water in-between photos.  First, we placed the camera in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag and zipped it closed to seal out the water.  Next, we placed the bag in a Tupperware container and sealed the lid.  I tested the container on the water's surface, letting it go ever so slightly before the lake assured me that the camera contraption would, indeed, float.  Then I caught the camera and packed it in the canoe.  I am so excited with how this lake picture turned out, and I can happily assure any naysayers that my camera was secure, dry, and floaty.  I can't wait for my next on-the-water photography adventure!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday -- One Week Down!

Today was my one-week weigh-in, and . . . drum roll . . . I lost three pounds.  My buddy did the same!  Since I spent the majority of the week sitting in a car on vacation, I consider this a wild success.  Since not every week will excite me like the first, I decided to set up some motivation for when the scale slows down.  I found motivation from each of the following categories:

1.  Aesthetic --  I have my favorite dress hanging where I can see it.  I love this dress, and I can't wait until I fit into it.  Right now it won't even scooch up over my hips, but by October 15, I plan to zip it right up and wear it in style.

2.  Nostalgic --  I installed the TimeHop app on my phone, so every morning I see photos of myself from years gone by.  The majority of these photos are from my slim-livin' college years, and seeing myself as I could look motivates me to look that way again.

3.  Physical --  A couple of weeks ago, I went to a trampoline park with a few friends.  The park had a ninja course with a trampoline wall, and all of my friends made it over the wall in just a couple of bounds.  I jumped.  I ran.  I lunged.  I jumped again.  I ran again.  I lunged again.  I could not make it over the wall.  Twenty minutes later, after many trampoline burns and gray vision warps, I finally strained myself over that pathetic, seven-foot wall.  I ended victorious, but I felt pretty weak.  I want to feel strong.  I bought a couple of dumbbells and set them in my living room, right near the T.V.  Now when I sit down to watch a show, I see the weights, think of the trampoline wall, and get back up again.  I will be strong!

4.  Professional -- Since I "wrote" my first book at five years old, complete with stick-figure drawings and crayon scribbles, I have dreamed of the day when I would get a book published and sold in the real world. About a year ago, I received word that my recent manuscript, That Was Random, had been accepted for publication.  It was a pixie-dust-esque moment.  The book is scheduled for an October release, and I have begun planning a release party, which I plan to have photographed extensively because I want to remember this day forever.  It could be the most thrilling professional accomplishment I ever achieve.  Not only do I want to look respectable (and wear my favorite dress) at the party, but I also want my personal achievements to match my professional success. 

5.  Fun -- My hubby and I brought out our bicycles this week, and I can't wait to start using them!  When I don't feel like working out, I can get on the bike and just have fun.  We also started heading to our apartment complex's pool, where I can burn a lot of calories without boring myself to tears.  Fun activities like these motivate me to get moving, and moving means losing!  And losing means winning!

We'll see how week 2 goes, but for now I'm feeling positive.  What do you use to stay motivated throughout a diet?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Marginalia Monday -- Filthy Rags

Today's Bible pages got a little bit . . . sticky.  I read the verse that says, "our righteousness is as filthy rags," and I really wanted to portray the yuckiness and messiness of our own attempts at righteousness.  I ended up throwing some butterscotch, honey, nutmeg, food coloring, and actual rags onto this page of Isaiah.  I'll have to say this method really makes a Bible verse "stick" in my mind (haha :p), and I'm excited about remembering this important verse.

Everything I do to try to be good is useless.  Only God's grace can save me.  Thankfully, His righteousness is all I need.  What a wonderful thought to get me going through this Monday. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Through the Lens Thursday -- My Summer Photography Challenge!

As two teachers, my hubby and I travel as much as possible during the few summer weeks between school, meetings, classes, and other obligations.  This summer, my travel goal is to improve my photography.  I have a Nikon 3200, and I hate to admit that I spent the first year of prestigious ownership shooting photos in *gasp* auto mode.  I have since repented and flipped that small, round switch to manual, but only practice will perfect my sometimes-black-sometimes-white-sometimes-an-actual-image photographs.  My mom and I came up with a perfect practice plan for this summer’s travels.  I have a list of 10 images that I MUST capture in each state I visit this summer.  Here’s the list.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Weight Loss Wednesday -- Here Goes Somethin'!

After successfully avoiding the Freshman Fifteen, the Sophomore Seventeen, the Junior Jellybelly, and the Senior Sag, I got married and gained thirty-five pounds almost immediately.  I am officially “overweight” on most charts I look at (although I did find one chart that said I am on the heavy side of healthy, which is quite a complement these days, and I’ll take it!).  I have decided I much preferred the energy I had pre-pudge, and I quite enjoyed picking out outfits before the belly.  I miss climbing stairs without a care in the world, and I have determined to return to my happy weight.  A buddy (also recently married) and I have agreed to go at this weight-slashing together, so here’s the plan:

1200 Calories / Day (Raw Fruits and Veggies are Free)
5 30-min. Workouts / Week (Workouts Meaning Not Sitting on the Couch)

We’re hoping to jazz it up along the way, so be prepared for cheesy motivational tricks and wacky workout ideas.  Here’s a before photo to get it started:

Let's hope for some dramatic results!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Marginalia Monday -- My Bible Art Journaling Adventure!

Several months ago, while browsing Pinterest like all industrious wives should do, I stumbled upon a Bible study method that both surprised and intrigued me.  I followed the pins to a blog by Shanna Noel, who has founded the “Illustrated Faith” movement.  This method of Bible Study promotes writing in the margins of one’s Bible, throwing caution to the wind and expressing God’s Word artistically on the pages of His love letter to us.  He writes to us through the Bible, and we write to Him through the margins.  I love it!  I have since decided to devote my quiet time to this kind of creative communication with God, and I would love to share some of my pages in the hopes that others will try it as well.  The visual, hands-on aspects of Bible Art Journaling make Bible verses stick in my head like never before, and I can’t wait to make my way through the whole Bible in this way.  I will start sharing my pages in detail next week, but until then, here’s a sneak peek!